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2021 Economic Impact Study Released



$19.1 Billion Economic Impact by Mid-States MSDC Certified MBEs in Central Illinois, Indiana and Eastern Missouri

Indianapolis, IN – July 7, 2022

The Mid-States Minority Supplier Development Council (Mid-States MSDC), in partnership with Indiana University (IU) and supplier.io, released its 2021 Economic Impact Study of the organization’s certified MBE community. Despite the shifting economic landscape left in the wake of the pandemic, there has been a $2 billion increase in business activity since the last study was conducted in 2019.

“The data is clear; minority business success has significant, positive effects on the national economy,” Daryle L. Johnson, Mid-States MSDC’s new Interim President, stated. “This report shows that over 63,000 jobs have been created or maintained and our certified MBEs disbursed close to $4.1 billion in salaries, wages, and benefits to about 33,400 employees within our footprint.”

Mid-States MSDC is one regional affiliate of 23 Minority Supplier Development Councils throughout the United States and its territories. Their 2021 Economic Impact Study measured production, wages, jobs, and tax revenues for Mid-States MSDC’s certified Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs) in Central Illinois, Indiana, and Eastern Missouri. The data excludes the Chicago metro area in Illinois and the Northwest Indiana area. These areas are covered by the Chicago MSDC. Missouri data excludes the Western Missouri area. This area is covered by the Mountain Plains MSDC.

“This tri-state regional network has grown to almost 300 certified MBEs that are supported by the organization’s resources and connections to corporations well beyond its borders,” Richard Wise, IU’s Director of Supplier Diversity and Mid-States MSDC board member, explained. “The Mid-States MSDC corporate members’  spend with diverse and small suppliers generates impactful and favorable economic activity in its supply chain and their communities.”

Central Illinois

GDP Contribution || $983 Million

Income Supported || $261 Million

Jobs Supported || 3,137

Jobs at Diverse Suppliers || 1,538


GDP Contribution || $5.7 Billion

Income Supported || $1.7 Billion

Jobs Supported || 29,438

Jobs at Diverse Suppliers || 17,346

Eastern Missouri

GDP Contribution || $16.8 Billion

Income Supported || $2 Billion

Jobs Supported || 26,639

Jobs at Diverse Suppliers || 14,112

“These numbers tell countless stories of hard work, determination, and grit from people whom Mid-States MSDC walks alongside daily,” Johnson said. “We get to serve as a catalyst for growth in Illinois, Indiana, and Missouri minority business communities.

Learn more about the Mid-States Minority Supplier Development Council’s 2021 Economic Impact Study here and get to know new Interim President/CEO Daryle Johnson here.


The Mid-States MSDC serves as an advocate for the economic well-being and growth of certified MBEs, while also providing a direct connection for corporations who are committed to purchasing products and services from Mid-States MSDC-certified MBEs.


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